Losing balance after 5months post-op


February of this year, I had posted my situation that people here on tripawd helped me to decide what to do with my dog who had osteosarcoma. She had her left front leg amputated and recovered very well. She was able to go back to her normal activity without any problem. She lost weight due to her  diet after surgery. Just last week, we started to notice that she is losing her balance. It might be her other front leg which is getting a lot of stress and pressure to hold her weight. We also noticed that she pee inside the house. She is there in front of the door but something is stopping her to go outside to pee. She will pee on her blanket or on the kitchen mat. After she pee, then she will go outside but after a couple of steps she will stop and just lay on the floor. I can tell that her remaining front leg is causing this.

it’s breaking my heart to see her like this again. We are going to see the vet to find out what is really going on. I just wanted to know if anyone here had a situation like this. She is our first baby and it sad to see that we have to deal with this again. I never had a proper sleep for couple nights now just to monitor her (with video monitor). She stays downstairs and we have a 3 y/o son and 7month old girl that i sleep with upstairs.

Please help. I need your advice. Thank you!
